About us
Over a centenary of looking after Middlesex golf clubs
Simply by playing the game and being a golfer you earn the right to praise or criticize golf courses. Your opinion is neither right nor wrong; it is merely an opinion. However, the more types, styles, eras you play, the more weight your opinion conveys”
Middlesex Golf and its associated clubs illustrate many and varied types, styles and eras of the game. This series endeavours to highlight the infinite variety of golf clubs, their golf courses and an extremely diverse community of golfers, to those who are, and will, play the Royal and Ancient game of Golf within the County of Middlesex.
The author of these historical pieces, Lee Patterson, is a member and Past Captain of Stanmore Golf Club. During his 45 years of playing and watching golf, he has played a wide variety of the game in many places. Lee enjoys an eclectic interest in the history of the game with a particular focus on golf development in the London area, this interest includes its clubs, their personalities and the golf course architecture of the Metropolis.
Mission Statement
The Middlesex Golf Business Plan covers a four-year period from 1st February 2021 to 31st January 2024. Detailed action plans have been drawn up for the following:-
Excellent Governance
Adopting standards, policies and procedures to become a model of best practice including:
- Role descriptors, terms of reference and limits of authority for all board positions and sub-committees.
- A minimum of 30% gender diversity on The Board.
- A code of conduct and ethics for all Directors.
- Valid DBS checks and training for anyone working with children in a regulated activity. Ensure standards set by SafeGolf Accreditation are consistently met.
- Compliance with all applicable laws, risk management procedures, the Code for Sports Governance and GDPR.
Improved image and communication
Listening to and supporting our clubs and their golfers through consistent, targeted and high-quality communication including:
- Weekly website and social media updates.
- Regular club visits by the County Secretary, England Golf Regional Manager and Club Support Officer.
- A monthly county newsletter.
- A member satisfaction survey.
- An Annual Awards Event
- Regular and current social media updates across multiple platforms
- Live and engaging updates of the County’s tournaments via social media
- Club Marketing Support available on application.
Strong and sustainable finances achieved via budgetary control, cash flow. Monitoring, quarterly reporting and audited annual accounts. Affiliation fees will be set in November each year.
Winning golfers (Teams and Coaching)
Supporting and developing motivated golfers and competitive teams.
- A winter coaching plan will be published each year
- Offer the County’s players standards and varieties of training that ‘they cannot obtain at club level’
- A combination of away days, indoor coaching with TrackMan, Psychology seminars, and bespoke S&C training.
- Annual monitoring of handicap reductions.
- Annual review of the coaching programme to illustrate a return on investment.
- Safeguarding and child protection training for all team managers and coaches.
- Outstanding championships, competitions and events – increasing participation in county competitions and events with accessibility for golfers of every level.
- Golf will run 10 men’s events, 9 women’s events, 2 mixed events, 6 junior events and support six Order of Merit competitions per annum.
Club Support
Understanding and supporting golf club needs to grow the game in Middlesex, supported by England Golf’s Regional Manager and Club Support Officer.
Additional county support will include handicapping & rules training, course ratings, a training & education day, junior organiser’s forum and up to three member’s forums per annum.
Develop programmes to further enhance the game of golf in Middlesex.
County Officials
Director of Coaching & Teams

How to get a card
To register your 2024 County Card, please apply below.
Please note, that a LifeTime number is an individual’s assigned lifetime handicap ID number. This number allows us to confirm membership in a golf club, as well as the individuals, exact playing handicap.
If you do not have it, your club office will be able to provide you with it.
policies, rules & important documents
- 2024 AGM Minutes
- 2023 AGM Minutes
- 2022 AGM Minutes
- 2021 AGM Minutes
- 2020 AGM Minutes
- 2019 AGM Minutes
- 2018 AGM Minutes
- Board Meeting Minutes 18.06.24
- Board Meeting Minutes 18.03.24
- Board Meeting Minutes 6.11.23
- Board Meeting Minutes 17.7.23
- Board Meeting Minutes 27.3.23
- Board Meeting Minutes 20.4.22
- Board Meeting Minutes 10.1.19
- Board Meeting Minutes 9.10.18
- Board Meeting Minutes 17.7.18
Middlesex is proud to be a SafeGolf accredited County. Whilst children and young people are participating in golf activities in our care, Middlesex Golf has a responsibility to ensure their safety and well-being.
The policy and supporting procedures set out a framework to fulfil our commitment to good practice and the protection of children in our care.
Key principles
- The welfare of children is paramount.
- A child is defined by law in England and Wales as a person under the age of 18 years.
- All children, regardless of their Age, Race, Religion or Belief, Disability, Gender identity or Sexual Orientation, have the right to protection from abuse.
- All concerns and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- All children have the right to be safe.
- All children have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
- Middlesex Golf will work with children, their parents/carers and external organisations to safeguard the welfare of children participating in golf.
- We recognise the authority of the statutory agencies and are committed to complying with Local Safeguarding Children Board Guidelines (LSCB), Working Together under the Children Act 2004, and any legislation and statutory guidance that supersedes these.
- Middlesex Golf is committed to working in partnership with other key UK Golf bodies to continually improve and promote safeguarding initiatives across the sport.
- Middlesex Golf owes a legal duty of care to children on their premises or engaged in their activities. That duty is to take reasonable care to ensure their reasonable safety and the duty is higher than it would be for adults.
Middlesex Golf aims to:
- Provide a safe environment for children and young people participating in golfing activities and try to ensure that they enjoy the experience.
- Ensure robust systems are in place to manage any concerns or allegations.
- Support adults (staff, volunteers, PGA Professionals, coaches, members and visitors) to understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to their duty of care and protection of children.
- Provide appropriate training, support and resources for staff, volunteers & coaches to make informed and confident responses to specific safeguarding issues and fulfill their role effectively.
- Ensure that children and their parents/carers are informed and consulted and, where appropriate, fully involved in decisions that affect them.
- Reassure parents and carers that all children and young people will receive the best care possible whilst participating in county activities and communicate Policy and Procedure to them through website/letter/consents.
Responsibilities and implementation
Middlesex Golf will seek to promote the principles of safeguarding children by:
- Review their policy and procedures every three years or whenever there is a major change in legislation. Guidance from England Golf will be sought as part of the review process.
- Conducting a risk assessment of county activities with regard to safeguarding and taking appropriate action to address the identified issues within suitable timescales.
- Using appropriate recruitment procedures to assess the suitability of volunteers and staff working with children and young people in line with guidance from England Golf.
- Following National Governing Body (NGB) procedures to report concerns and allegations about the behaviour of adults and ensuring that all staff, volunteers, parents and children are aware of these procedures.
- Directing staff, volunteers & coaches to appropriate safeguarding training and learning opportunities, where this is appropriate to their role.
Useful contacts
Middlesex Golf Welfare Officer
- Name: Anne Koychev
- Email Address: annekoychev@googlemail.com
- Telephone Number: 020 8354 2290
- Role Description
Other important contact details
- NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
- ChildLine: 0800 1111 / www.childline.org.uk
- Kidscape: www.kidscape.org.uk
- Anti-Bullying Alliance: www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/
- SafeGolf: www.safegolf.org
- England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer: 01526 351824
SafeGolf Documents
- Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
- Volunteer or Staff Application Form
- Self-Disclosure Form
- Reference form
- Code of Conduct for staff, coaches & volunteers
- Code of Conduct for Young Golfers
- Code of Conduct For Parents or Carers of Young Golfers
- Managing Challenging Behaviour
- Incident Report Form
- Accident Report Form
- Middlesex Golf Player Profile and Parental Consent Forms
- Photography Consent
- Guidance For Parents
- Managing Young People on Away Trips
- Social Media Guidance
- Whistleblowing Policy
- England Golf DBS Flowchart
- Categories of Child Abuse
- Safeguarding Children and Young People
- Photography Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Disciplinary and Appeal Procedures
- Safeguarding Adults Policy
- Useful Contacts
Listed below are the provisional timings for rating under the USGA and R&A system. We will endeavour to rate the courses by the indicated year and once every 10 years thereafter. The lead assessor will contact each club, requesting various details about the course and also discuss the most suitable date for the rating.
2. Full Course Ratings in the 10 year cycle are free to clubs. Any additional rating requests may incur a charge.
If you have any queries about Course Rating or if you would like to enquire about Course Rating at your club, please email whs@middlesexgolf.co.uk
Club Last Rating Next Rating Due Ashford Manor GC 2014 2024 Brent Valley GC 2020 2030 Bush Hill Park GC 2015 2025 Crews Hill GC 2019 2029 Ealing GC 2017 2027 Enfield GC 2017 2027 Finchley GC 2018 2028 Fulwell GC 2019 2029 Grim’s Dyke GC 2014 2024 Hampstead GC 2019 2029 Harefield Place GC 2021 2031 Harrow School GC 2018 2028 Haste Hill GC 2019 2029 Hendon GC 2015 2025 Highgate GC 2018 2028 Hillingdon GC 2019 2029 Leaside GC 2017 2027 Mill Hill GC 2019 2029 Muswell Hill GC 2019 2029 North Middlesex GC 2019 2029 Northwood GC 2019 2029 Perivale Park GC 2019 2029 Pinner Hill GC 2018 2028 Stanmore GC 2018 2028 Stockley Park GC 2022 2032 Strawberry Hill GC 2018 2028 Sudbury GC 2015 2025 West Middlesex GC 2017 2027 West London Golf Centre 2014 2024 Wyke Green GC 2015 2025 THE WHS AND YOUR CLUB
If you have any queries about the WHS and how it affects you, or if you have any other questions regarding the WHS, please email whs@middlesexgolf.co.uk
iGolf is for non-club members who wish to start the journey towards getting a Handicap Index® and tracking their progress. It is a subscription service provided by England Golf for £44 per year which in return gives the golfer a Handicap Index® on the World Handicap System™ (WHS™). iGolf is the only way to obtain a Handicap Index™, the same as a club member has.
You can sign up HERE
With your subscription you will have access to the MyEG app to submit your scores and will receive personal liability insurance. Details of all benefits can be found on the iGolf website. If you have previously ever held a Handicap Index® in the World Handicap System™ (WHS™) and have a lifelong membership number, please make sure to enter this at sign up so we can transfer your scoring history and Handicap across to iGolf.
Please note: if you are an ex-club member, you must be outside of your previous membership for a minimum of six months before you can join the iGolf subscription. For full details on eligibility visit our terms and conditions. One golfer should only ever have one membership number, which will remain with them throughout their golfing journey.
General Play Scores and Score Intent
Middlesex golf implores all clubs to disable the ability for club memebrs to submit scores via Intelligent Golf and CLub system and use the MyEG App. It has more safeguards in place and hence reduces the administration burden on Handicap Committees.
Since the launch of WHS, we have seen an increase in the number of general play submissions by players and, in turn, an increase in the number of score intents that have not been satisfied. While there are several reasons why score intents are not satisfied, it remains the player’s responsibility to ensure that these are satisfied within the system, and the club’s handicap committee should act when this isn’t carried out.
We are aware that this has caused an increase in workload for clubs and committees and we believe that we are able to provide a solution to relieve this burden on clubs. This has been achieved by applying some automation within the WHS system and providing committees with a report to help manage any adjustments or further action that may be required.
- Where a score has been submitted for verification by the MyEG app, we have the detail of the score submitted so we are able to use this score instead of creating a generic score of Course Rating + Course Handicap.
- If we can’t identify the score – Course Rating + Course Handicap will be used as the penalty score.
- The process works for score intents created by the MyEG app and the club software.
- Where score intents are created by the club software, the score must be submitted in the same way to satisfy the intent.
WHS & Club Handicap Committees
A Club Handicap committee with the responsibility of administrating the WHS at club level. It is a term of affiliation with England Golf to have a Club Handicap Commitee. The Handicapping Committee as required under the Rules of Golf and the Rules of Handicapping must have complete control of competition and handicapping matters at the Golf Club.
There are a lot of resources on the ENgland Golf website for Club Handicap Committees and club members to understnad the WHS, the Rules of Handicapping and their administration
- WHS Handicap Committee Resources
- General WHS Resources
- Rules of Handicapping and CONGU Guidance on the Rules of Handicapping
- WHS Platform Guide for clubs
- Mixed Tee calculator
- Handicap Review Guidance
Long tees for women
In 2016 England Golf (EG) set a recommended limit of 6,100 yards for the rating of tees for women, unless these tees were the only set of tees for women. The reason for this was that generally women scratch golfers would find it difficult to play to their handicaps from such long tees and a woman bogey player would find them nearly unplayable.
This recommendation is based on several practical considerations:
- Courses in excess of 6,100 yards are usually only of serious interest to a very few and very low handicap women golfers
- The Slope rating of any set of tees is calculated from the difference in strokes required by a scratch player as compared to a bogey player – but courses in excess of 6,100 yards are often virtually unplayable by a woman bogey golfer and hence calculating a meaningful Slope rating is – at best – very difficult.
- Regional and / or National events for elite women golfers usually involve a course which consists of a combination of different tees – often used by different genders – in order to achieve the desired course length and an appropriate level of difficulty – for which one-off ratings can be provided by England Golf at short notice.
- The Par and Stroke Index values, applicable on tees designed for play by men, may not be appropriate for women – involving extra ‘tee furniture’ and changes to score cards.
If you believe the above does not negate your reasons for wishing to have these tees rated for women then please provide the following information to enable England Golf to give full consideration to your request.
- A sample scorecard for the new tees showing Pars and the Stroke Index values.
- Number of current women members with a handicap index of 4.0 or below.
- Names and dates of any Elite events for women previously hosted by the club.
- Names and planned dates of future Elite events for women to be hosted by the club.
- Any other information that would support the application.
For those golfing athletes who attend overseas college provisions (outside of GB&I), it is a requirement that they return all acceptable scores back to their home club for processing and entering into WHS portal records. This is the responsibility of the golfer. This document from Gemma Hunter clarifies all requirements.
(Adopted by the Company under Article 5 of the Company’s Articles of Association (“the Articles”) on
[ ] 2017In these Rules “the Company” and “Middlesex Golf” mean Middlesex Golf Limited and Member Clubs means Voting Members. These Rules are made pursuant to Article 5 of the Articles. Words which are defined in the Articles bear the same meaning when used in these Rules. Where there is any inconsistency between these Rules and the provisions of the Articles, the provisions of the Articles shall prevail.
1.1. Membership shall comprise:
1.1.1.Voting Members
Voting Members are entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings. Membership as a Voting Member shall be open to all golf clubs within the County of Middlesex whose constitution and rules: recognise the Rules of Golf as prescribed by R & A Rules Limited; give control to its members or a committee thereof for the handicapping of its members in accordance with the National Handicapping Scheme in force from time to time; undertake that any golfing events organised by the Club shall comply with the Rules of Amateur status laid down by R & A Rules Limited and that such Rules of Amateur status shall be applied and form a condition of entry to any such events; conform to and accept the objectives, rules and regulations of Middlesex Golf and of England Golf.
1.1.2. Non-Voting Members
Non-Voting Members are not entitled to receive notice of, attend or vote at general meetings and consist of the following: Playing Members – all playing members of a Member Club or Affiliated Facility irrespective of their category of membership of such club; Affiliated Playing Members – individuals who are not Playing Members and who are not playing members in another county, who wish to participate in golf in the County and, in accordance with the Rules, are approved by the Board as Affiliated Playing Members; Honorary Members – such persons who at the adoption of these Rules, are
Honorary Members of Middlesex County Golf Union or Middlesex Ladies’ County Golf Association and such persons as Middlesex Golf may decide to honour in recognition of services to Middlesex Golf or to the game of golf.1.2. Admission to Membership
1.2.1. Applications for admission to membership of the Company as a Voting Member shall be in the form prescribed by the Board and shall contain an undertaking by the club to conform to and accept the objects of the Company as set out in the Articles and to comply with and accept these Rules. The application for membership shall contain agreement to the Articles and to these Rules and be signed by the club’s President (or other senior officer) and the Secretary or Manager.
1.2.2. Applications for admission to membership of the Company as an Affiliated Playing Member shall be in the form prescribed by the Board and shall contain an undertaking by the applicant to comply with and accept these Rules and shall be signed by the applicant. Affiliated Playing Members shall be Non-Voting Members of the Company.
1.2.3. Applications for admission to membership shall be sent to the County Secretary who shall refer any such application to the Board which shall have the power to admit the applicant under Article 28.
1.2.4. Each year and as required by the County Secretary Member Clubs shall provide a list of the names and England Golf CDH numbers of their Playing Members to the County Secretary. Playing Members shall be Non-Voting Members of the Company as a consequence of their subsisting membership of a Member Club.
1.2.5. Honorary Members shall be nominated by the Board for approval at an annual general meeting.
1.3. Cessation of Membership
1.3.1. A Member Club or Affiliated Facility may withdraw from membership of the Company by giving notice thereof to the County Secretary three months or more before its reaffiliation date in any year failing which such Member Club or Affiliated Facility shall be liable to pay the annual affiliation fee for the ensuing calendar year.
1.3.2. If the Board decides that a Member Club or Affiliated Facility should be expelled the provisions of Article 30 shall apply.
1.3.3. A Playing Member shall cease to be a member if he or she ceases to be a member of a Member Club or Affiliated Facility. 1.3.4. An Honorary Member shall cease to hold such membership if his or her appointment is revoked by the Company in general meeting or if he or she resigns. Honorary Membership may be withdrawn by the Board at any time on notice to the Member.
1.3.5. Affiliation fees are not refundable in whole or in part.2. PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT
2.1. At the Annual General Meeting in 2018 and the Annual General Meeting every two years
thereafter a candidate nominated by the Board shall be elected President.
2.2. The person elected as President shall hold office for a two year term until the Annual General Meeting in the second year after his or her election.
2.3. At the Annual General Meeting in 2018 and the Annual General Meeting every two years thereafter subject to paragraphs 2.7 below a candidate nominated by the Board shall be elected Vice President.
2.4. The person elected as Vice President shall hold office for a two year term until the Annual General Meeting in the second year following his or her election.
2.5. The Vice President shall normally (but not necessarily) be nominated as President having served his or her term as Vice President.
2.6. The President and Vice President shall be directors by virtue of their office and shall have such rights and privileges as the Board shall from time to time prescribe.
2.7. In any year in which the President is a man the Vice President shall be a woman and vice versa.
2.8. A casual vacancy in the office of President or Vice President shall be filled by the Board provided always that the person appointed by the Board to fill the casual vacancy shall hold office until the next annual general meeting. At such annual general meeting a candidate nominated by the Board shall be elected President or Vice President as the case may be and, if it is not an annual general meeting at which the Company is due to elect a new President or Vice President, the candidate so elected to fill the casual vacancy shall hold office until such
time as the person he or she replaces was due to retire.3. AFFILIATION FEES
3.1. Each Member Club or Affiliated Facility shall pay such annual affiliation fees as shall be set by
the Board and approved by the Company in general meeting.
3.2. Such annual affiliation fees shall be payable once per calendar year and shall be calculated on a per capita basis for every Playing Member irrespective of membership category as at and paid on a date sixty days after the Member Club’s annual membership renewal date or, if a Member Club does not have one fixed date for renewal of membership for all members, on such other date as may be agreed between the Member Club and the Company and, failing agreement, the 1 April in each year.
3.3. Annual affiliation fees will normally be invoiced by Members Clubs to their Playing Members as a disbursement.
3.4. Failure by a Playing Member to pay such annual disbursement shall not exonerate the Club of which he or she is a Playing Member from its obligation to pay the annual affiliation fee in respect of that Playing Member.
3.5. Any Member Club or Affiliated Facility whose affiliation fee is unpaid three months after the date upon which it became due shall not be entitled to take part in any championship, county match meeting or competition run by the Company, nor shall any Playing Member of such Member Club or Affiliated Facility be eligible to participate in any event organised by the Company until such time as the affiliation fee has been paid (subject to the discretion of the Board to the contrary).
3.6. Honorary Members of Middlesex Golf shall not be required to pay an affiliation fee.4. COMMITTEES
4.1. Committees shall be appointed by the Board to administer specific activities of the Companyand shall report to and be responsible to the Board for the activities delegated to them. The principal committees and their main responsibilities shall be:
4.1.1. The Competitions Committee:
The members of the Competitions Committee shall be the Competitions Director, the Company Secretary, and up to seven further committee members appointed by theBoard or co-opted by the Committee with the approval of the Board. Meetings shall be chaired by the Competitions Director. The Competitions Committee shall be responsible for the organisation and administration of all approved county competitions.
4.1.2. The Player Development Committee:
The members of the Player Development Committee shall be the Player Development Director, the County Secretary and up to eleven further committee members appointed by the Board or co-opted by the Player Development Committee with the approval of the Board. Meetings shall be chaired by the Player Development Director.The Player Development Committee shall be responsible for the selection of all teams representing the County and arranging coaching programmes for individuals of all abilities from those trying golf for the first time to the elite players in the County. Each year having considered the recommendations of the Player Development Director the Board shall appoint the captains, managers and/or organisers for each county team.
4.1.3. The Golf Development Committee:
The members of the Golf Development Committee shall be the Golf Development
Director, the County Secretary and up to seven further committee members
appointed by the Board or co-opted by the Committee with the approval of the Board. Meetings shall be chaired by the Golf Development Director. The Golf Development Committee shall be responsible for developing programmes to further the game of golf in Middlesex.
4.1.4 The Disciplinary Committee:
The members of the Disciplinary Committee shall be the Chairman, the Company
Secretary and up to five further committee members appointed by the Board or coopted by the Committee with the approval of the Board. The Disciplinary Committee shall be responsible for disciplinary issues referred to or requiring the attention of the Company and for developing policy relating to discipline and disciplinary issues.
4.2 The President, Vice President, Chairman, County Secretary and Finance Director shall be given notice of the dates and times of all committee meetings and may attend such meetings if they so desire.
4.3 Not less than 30 per cent of the membership of each committee shall be male and not less than thirty per cent of the membership of each committee shall be female. The quorum for a meeting of each committee shall be 51% of the members of such committee including at least one male member of the committee and at least one female member of the committee.
4.4 Committees shall provide copies of minutes of their meetings to the Board promptly after each meeting.5 MEETINGS
5.3 The Board shall convene an annual general meeting each year in accordance with Article 31.
5.4 In addition to the annual general meeting the Board shall generally convene three other general meetings in each calendar year. Member Clubs and Affiliated Facilities may send one voting representative and as many delegates as the Board shall agree to each such meeting representing their male and female Playing Members. The objective of such general meetings will be to update Member Clubs, Affiliated Facilities and Playing Members on the activities of the Company and on all issues relevant to Member Clubs, Affiliated Facilities and Playing Members.
5.5 The Company has representation on the executive of England Golf and shall nominate a member of the Board as England Golf representative to attend relevant meetings of England Golf. The Company also has representation on the executives of South Eastern Group and South Group and shall nominate a representative to sit on the executive committee of each Group.
5.6 If a matter has been considered by the Board, and matters of outstanding importance concerning England Golf, South Eastern Group and South Group should be considered by the Board wherever possible, and the Board has made a decision on such matter the representative shall vote in accordance with such decision. In all other matters the representative shall act in his or her discretion in what he or she considers to be the best interests of England Golf or the relevant Group as the case may be and of Middlesex Golf.6 DISCIPLINE
6.3 The Board shall ensure that Members comply with the objects set out in the Articles and with these Rules and that these Rules are enforced.
6.4 Subject to any variation or amendment made by the Company in general meeting the disciplinary procedures set out in the Schedule to these Rules shall apply.
6.5 The Board is authorised to impose such sanctions, penalties or punishment on any Member it deems necessary or appropriate pursuant to the disciplinary procedures.
6.6 Member Clubs and Affiliated Facilities shall inform the Company of any disciplinary action taken against a Playing Member who is a member of that Member Club or Affiliated Facility.
6.7 In the event of an appeal against a sanction imposed by the Board the Board shall appoint an independent appeal committee comprising a chairman and two others who have not been involved in the original disciplinary procedure.7 COMPETITIONS, MATCHES AND COURTESY OF COURSES
7.1 When requested by the County Secretary, the Competitions Director or the Men’s Match Secretary or the Ladies’ Match Secretary Member Clubs and Affiliated Facilities will, whenever possible, grant the courtesy of their courses to the Company to hold the County Championship, County Matches and other approved County Competitions. A facility fee may be paid at the discretion of the Board for certain competitions and events.
7.2 On the day of a County Match the first tee shall be closed preferably 45 minutes but not less than 30 minutes prior to the start of each round.
7.3 All competitions shall be played in accordance with the current Rules set by R & A Rules Limited and any local Rules of the Member Club or Affiliated Facility on whose course the competition is being played.
7.4 Member Clubs and Affiliated Facilities shall provide copies of their Health & Safety Rules and requirements and of any relevant Health & Safety risk assessments for use when a county competition or match is to be played on that course.8 COUNTY DRESS
8.1 County dress and qualifications for the award of county colours shall be decided by the Board.9 BANK MANDATE
9.1 The Bank Mandate shall require that payments in excess of £5,000 shall be signed by not less than two authorised signatories whether by cheque or electronic transfer.
9.2 All payments from the Company bank account must be authorised by the member of the Board responsible for the area of activity for which the payment is made, or his or her nominee.
Through this Policy Middlesex Golf Ltd will;
- Lead the development of golf, within the County, in ways which welcome differences and are accepting of equality, diversity and inclusion.
- Follow all England Golf Policies and Guidelines in achieving excellent quality issues.
- Recognise the importance of affording equal opportunity and equal treatment and be committed to challenging discrimination in golf in Middlesex.
Middlesex Golf Ltd is dedicated to embedding the ethos of this policy within the culture and running of the organisation.
Middlesex Golf Ltd considers that everyone should play their part in making golf inclusive and aims to ensure that all people, irrespective of their background, ability or Protected Characteristics, have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in golf at all levels and in all roles.
Middlesex Golf Ltd will embed these values within all areas of its work Countywide and it is expected that all affiliated clubs, participants, contractors, players, parents, coaches, officials and volunteers who work on behalf of, represent or participate in Middlesex Golf Ltd events will adhere to the principles of this Policy.
Middlesex Golf Ltd in its relationships with its affiliated clubs, participants, contractors, players, parents, coaches, officials and volunteers and in the provision of its services, will not disadvantage any individual by imposing any conditions or requirements which cannot be justified.
In pursuance of this Policy, Middlesex Golf may take special measures or positive action in favour of any group which is currently under-represented through participation and club membership. Any positive action will be carried out in accordance with the law and not to the detriment of any other group.
Middlesex Golf Ltd is also committed to supporting the rights and interests of those who it employs and details of its commitment to equality matters relating to its staff are set out in the Middlesex Golf Staff Handbook.
Approved by: Middlesex Board of Directors April 2021
This policy will be reviewed every 3 years by the Board. The Policy may be amended by the Middlesex Golf Ltd Board at any time and at its sole discretion and such amendments shall be effective from the date stated.
The commitments of Middlesex Golf Ltd, outlined within this Policy are in line with the
- Equality Act 2010. The Equality Act 2010 provides protection from discrimination in relation to certain “Protected Characteristics”, namely:
- Age
- Disability
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Race
- Religion or Belief
- Marriage and Civil Partnership
- Gender Reassignment
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
- Protection from Harassment Act 1997
- Employment Act 2002
- Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000
- Fixed Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002
- Human Rights Act 1998.
Discrimination can take many guises including verbal, physical, and online conduct. It may not always be obvious to the perpetrator or intended and therefore it is necessary for people to be aware of the different types of discrimination and the impact their actions have on others.
- Direct discrimination is where someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a Protected Characteristic. This could take the form of discrimination by association where direct discrimination is against someone because they are associated with another person who possesses a Protected Characteristic or discrimination by perception where direct discrimination is against someone because the other person thinks they possess a particular Protected Characteristic.
- Indirect Discrimination occurs where the effect of certain provisions, criteria or practices (“PCPs”) imposed by an organisation has an adverse impact disproportionately on a certain group and cannot be justified. Indirect discrimination generally occurs when a PCP, which is applied equally to everyone, can be met by a considerably smaller proportion of people from a particular group the PCP is to their disadvantage and it cannot be justified on other grounds.
- In relation to the Protected Characteristic of disability, unfavourable treatment which is because of something arising in consequence of someone’s disability (e.g., The inability to carry out certain tasks) is also unlawful unless it can be appropriately justified.
- Harassment includes sexual harassment and other unwanted conduct related to a Protected Characteristic which has the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the individual. In determining whether conduct can reasonably be considered as having such effect, the perception of the complainant will be taken into account. People can complain of behaviour they find offensive even if it is not directed at them.
- Victimisation is where someone is treated unfavourably because they are known, or suspected to have done, or intend to do, one of certain protected acts, such as bringing discrimination proceedings, making related allegations, or giving evidence in relation such things.
- We consider bullying to include behaviour that is offensive, intimidating, malicious, insulting or an abuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate, or injure and can include references or inferences relating to Protected Characteristics.
Middlesex Golf Ltd will;
- Be responsible for advocating equality in golf and will proactively encourage the involvement of all people regardless of background, ability, or any of the Protected Characteristics.
- Be responsible for the promotion of the Policy to affiliated clubs, participants, contractors, players, parents, coaches, officials, and volunteers.
- Produce, review and maintain an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan to ensure that the aims and intentions of the Policy are delivered throughout Middlesex Golf.
- Ensure all Tournaments and activities administered by Middlesex Golf Ltd are carried out in a fair and equitable way (except where specific situations and conditions prevent this – for example, Middlesex Golf Ltd reserves the right to limit competitions to a specific age, gender or disability groups where this is necessary to ensure equitable safe and equal competition).
- Monitor and review all Middlesex Golf Ltd policies and procedures to ensure they are promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion.
- Ensure all material prepared, produced, and distributed by, or on behalf of Middlesex Golf Ltd promotes a clear image of diversity within the sport of golf.
- Increase collaboration with partners and other appropriate organisations, as detailed within the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan to ensure fair and consistent treatment for all those in golf and promote opportunities within the game.
- Monitor the diversity of its participants, players and volunteers, to best understand the diversity that exists within Middlesex Golf Ltd and the requirements and needs of individuals. Trends will be mapped over time, highlighting priority areas and progress. All monitoring undertaken by Middlesex Golf Ltd will be held in accordance with Middlesex Golf’s Data Protection Policy and the Data Protection Act 2018.
- Provide appropriate training and support to all contractors, officials and volunteers to raise awareness of both the collective and individual responsibilities.
- Be responsible for dealing with any allegations of breaches of this policy through the Middlesex Golf Disciplinary Regulations – see below.
- Publish the policy on the Middlesex Golf website.
Middlesex Golf Ltd takes seriously, all claims of inappropriate behaviour, bullying, harassment, victimisation and /or discrimination, whether direct or indirect by a contractor, player, parent, coach, official or volunteer who works on behalf of, represents or engages with Middlesex Golf Ltd and who displays any behaviour which is contrary to this Policy or its intent will be subjected to the Middlesex Golf Disciplinary and Appeals Regulations June 2020. This can be found under the Middlesex SafeGolf Accreditation document (section 21) on the Middlesex Golf Ltd website.
An individual may raise a complaint and no contractor, player, parent, coach, the official will be penalised for doing so unless it is without foundation and not made in good faith. Notice of complaints that fall under the scope of the Policy may be raised and addressed to :
Middlesex Golf Governance Dept,
Middlesex Golf Ltd C/O Sudbury Golf Club,
Bridgewater Rd,
Wembley, London
HA0 1AL.
Revised October 23
Click Below
Women in Golf Charter Commitments – Middlesex Golf 2023
In 2018 The R&A launched the Women in Golf Charter, supported by England Golf and other organisations from across the industry.
What is the purpose of the Women in Golf Charter?
- To encourage more women and girls to play the game and join clubs
- To inspire more families to enjoy golf as a group leisure activity
- To open up more opportunities for women to work within the golf industry
Middlesex Signatories to the Women in Golf Charter.
- Ashford Manor GC
- Brent Valley GC
- Bush Hill Park GC
- Ealing GC
- Enfield GC
- Finchley GC
- Grim’s Dyke GC
- Hendon GC
- Highgate GC
- Muswell Hill GC
- Northwood GC
- North Middlesex GC
- Pinner Hill GC
- Strawberry Hill GC
- Sudbury GC
- Wyke Green GC
- Middlesex Golf
- Could be your club
How can clubs get involved?
Middlesex Golf encourages clubs to sign up for the Charter and has provided a list of potential commitments. This means we are all working together to achieve the overarching aims of the Charter.
A club can select as many commitments as they wish. They just need to make sure they have tangible measures and timescales linked to each commitment. Providing baseline measures when making your commitments will help to demonstrate the impact of becoming a Charter signatory.
We have created a step-by-step guide for clubs and counties to become charter signatories:
- Download the toolkit.
- Register your interest in becoming a Women in Golf Charter signatory via the online form on the England Golf Website.
- Formulate your club commitments using templates your England Golf Club Support Officer will provide you after registering. You can also use our step-by-step guide to assist your progress.
- Share your draft with Middlesex’s Club Support Officer, Helen Tarttelin, who will help finalise your charter.
- Once completed, England Golf will send you a certificate and branding to demonstrate your Charter signatory status. We will also provide further support to help deliver your commitments.
If you have any feedback or questions contact charter@englandgolf.org
The trust that must exist between affiliated members and the Board of Directors requires that Board members conduct themselves in a way that is beyond reproach and that they exercise their judgment in a way that is informed, objective and responsible.
The purpose of this code is to establish the rules of conduct for the members of the Board of directors among themselves and before their constituents. Each member of the Board must conform to the code.
The Chairman of the Board is responsible for applying this code and must ensure that it is divulged and respected.
General Duties
Board members must act at all times in the best interest of the County. They must respect the articles and rules as well as all the policies and procedures that are in effect.
They must use their knowledge, abilities and experience in such a way as to fulfil appropriately their role.
They must act prudently, diligently and honestly and show loyalty and competence, as any reasonable person would do.
Impartiality and Equity
Decisions made by the directors must be impartial and equitable. Neither directors nor those who are closely related to them must receive any benefit from their decisions.
Directors must participate actively and assiduously in Board meetings.
Directors must not disavow a Board decision, even after their term. They must respect and uphold the decisions made under their governance.
Directors must act with respect in their exchanges and communications. They must avoid any form of discrimination or harassment.
They must show consideration to others, in their words and in their actions.
Directors must adopt an attitude of reserve and restraint in the public expression of their opinions.
They must not use information obtained in the exercise of their office in their own interest or in the interest of a third party.
They must respect normally recognised standards of confidentiality.
They must reveal any information or fact when they know that this information might have an impact on decision-making.
Conflict of interest
Directors must avoid any type of abuse of power. They must also avoid any type of conflict of interest and declare such conflicts, when applicable. They refrain from voting when a decision touches their interests or those of people closely related to them.
Directors must also reveal any conflicts of interest that they are aware of that touch other directors.
Directors may not solicit or accept any direct or indirect benefit from a person or a company which does business with the County.
Excluding the County Secretary, Directors receive no salary or other financial benefit except for the reimbursement of expenses incurred in the exercise of their functions as directors.
After they have completed their term
At the end of his or her term, a director may not contravene this code. He or she must maintain prudent, diligent, discreet and honest attitudes toward the County. He or she must avoid tarnishing the reputation of the County or of any person working there.
If a director contravenes this code, the Chairman may ask the Board to study the contravention. The Board then must decide on the measures to be taken during an in-camera meeting.