At our forthcoming Centenary Golf Event at Ealing Golf Club on the 16th April, we will be recognising our Volunteer of the Year from 2023.
This will be an individual that demonstrates within the club and to the outside golfing world exceptional qualities such as :
- Gives of their time in a selfless fashion, putting the good of the game / club above all else.
- An engaging approach and personality that is not pushy but more collaborative in nature who wants to achieve a task / Project for the good of others
- Gets involved in joint activities set by others not just their own and demonstrates true achievements.
- Shows an ability to develop Ideas and innovate when relevant
- Has made a true Impact on your club/facility
- Adds to the enjoyment of the game of golf at club / county level
- A true unsung hero that gets things done / makes things happen
If you recognise such an individual and believe they should be a nominee for the award, please in no more than 300 words tell is why this person should be awarded this Middlesex award on the 16th April
Nominations please by 17th March to the County Secretary by email