Womens Scratch 5-a-side leagues
A team from an affiliated club will consist of five female players. Different players may be selected by the club for each round. Any player who is a member of more than one club affiliated to MIDDLESEX GOLF may only play for the club that is their Home Club for handicap purposes.
A maximum of two teams from each affiliated club.
Teams compete in one of three divisions; divisions one, two, or three. Divisions will contain no more than six teams.
Each club will play one home or away match against all other teams in their division. Whether teams play home or away will be determined by lot by the County Secretary. The divisional matches will be played between March and August. No matches can be played prior to or after this period. Matches must be played on a weekend within the designated window set by the County Secretary. Clubs will play no more than one match per calendar month. Each match, except the final, will start at or before 2:00pm on the last Sunday of the month or on an earlier weekend mutually arranged between the two teams.
The format of the competition is five 18-hole singles matches played off scratch from the same set of tees. The team winning the most individual matches wins the overall match.
The winning team will be awarded one point and the losing team will receive zero points. If a match is halved both teams will receive half a point.
A minimum of three players may constitute a team. The opposing team will receive the individual match points for any player that is not fielded. Hence, if a team cannot field at least three players their opponents will receive a walkover, consisting of one match point and five individual match points.
If a club enters two teams the five lowest handicap women that are available and willing to represent the club must be nominated for the club’s ‘A’ team. Those who are nominated in the ‘A’ team must play in a minimum of two matches during the league stage. If a player fails to do so, the ‘A’ team will be deducted 1 match point. A player nominated in the ‘A’ team must not represent the ‘B’ team. If a player does so, the ‘B’ team will be deducted 1 match point.
If a player from the ‘B’ team represents the ‘A’ team twice in one season year they are no longer able to represent the ‘B’ team.
After all matches in the league are completed the two teams that progress to the final from each division will be the clubs with the highest number of match points. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the club with the greater number of individual matches won. If there is still a tie, the winner will be the club with the greater number of individual matches won in the final three matches of the season.
The teams winning divisions two and three will be promoted to divisions one and two respectively. The teams finishing in last place in divisions one and two will be relegated to divisions two and three respectively.
5-a-side scratch divisions 2025
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
The 2025 finals will be played at Enfield Golf Club on Sunday 14th September
Please submit all match results to Cheng Loo no later than 24 hours after each match: fishballcheng@gmail.com
Click HERE for a copy of the Match Result Sheet

The finals were held at Grims Dyke GC on Sunday 15th September. Stanmore GC are Champions for 2024 Wyke Green GC are Runners Up Pinner Hill GC are promoted to Div 1 Finchley GC are promoted to Div 2
5-a-side finals 2024 gallery
Click on the thumbnail images for larger pictures
Terms of Competition
Points Allocation
Clubs will play for 5 game points per match, scoring 1 point for a win, 0.5 for a half (i.e. all square after 18 holes) and 0 for a loss. Game points will determine the match result.
- Win = 1 Points
- Draw = 0.5 Points
- Loss = 0 Points
The 2 clubs winning the most match points in each Division will go through to the finals.