Middlesex Mixed Open Championship

Ealing Golf Club Perivale Ln, Perivale, Greenford, Perivale, Greenford UB6, UK

Sign up HERE.    MIDDLESEX GOLF Mixed Open Championship Qualifications i) This competition is open to any golfer (with or without MIDDLESEX GOLF affiliation) with a handicap limit of 28.4 for men and 36.4 for women. Part I, section 2 entry requirements do not apply. iii) A pair must consist of one male and one […]

Middlesex Schools Championships

Fulwell Golf Club Fulwell Golf Course, Twickenham TW2 5PA, UK

Click HERE for registration Please note: This event is a Qualifier for the ESGA South Region Final at Seaford GC in Sussex on 25th May. The Top 8 boys and the top 4 girls will qualify. MIDDLESEX GOLF SCHOOL’S Terms of Competition

Middlesex Womens Spring meeting

Crews Hill Golf Club Crews Hill Golf Club, Cattlegate Rd, Enfield EN2 8AZ, UK

Click HERE to register Click HERE for full Terms of Competition